Nettó egységár: 100 000 Ft
Fire protection and occupational safety services
Fire protection and occupational safety services are activities aimed at promoting safe and healthy work at workplaces and other public places. These services are very important to employers and employees as they help prevent accidents and injuries and reduce the risk of fire.
The primary purpose of fire protection services is to prevent and stop fires and minimize damage, if a fire does occur. For this, experts carry out fire safety surveys, during which they evaluate the suitability of buildings, floor plans, equipment and tools from a fire safety point of view. They then make recommendations for the necessary measures, such as the installation of suitable fire extinguishers, the designation of escape routes and the introduction of fire alarm systems.
At the same time, the aim of occupational health and safety services is to preserve the safety and health of employees in the workplace. To this end, occupational safety specialists assess workplace risks and develop the necessary measures to reduce the risk of accidents and illnesses. This includes the provision of appropriate protective equipment (e.g. helmets, safety glasses, protective clothing), regular maintenance of machines and equipment, and workplace education and training, which help employees work safely.
Both fire protection and occupational health and safety services are usually provided by specialist companies or service providers whose personnel have the necessary certificates and qualifications. The importance of such services arises not only for compliance with legislation, but also for the benefit of employees and property owners who want to ensure the highest level of security. Fire protection and occupational safety services therefore both promote the creation and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace environment.
Nettó egységár: 100 000 Ft
Nettó egységár: 100 000 Ft
Nettó egységár: 50 000 Ft
Nettó egységár: 100 000 Ft
Nettó egységár: 2 756 Ft
Nettó egységár: 20 000 Ft